Bikexplore is owned and run by its Leaders. Each of us has a passion for the places we visit and a wealth of previous experience in organising cycling holidays, mainly but not exclusively for CTC / Cycling UK. Like CTC, Bikexplore’s legal structure is that of a company limited by guarantee.
As members of a collaborative non-profit organisation, our Leaders are motivated by the challenge of planning and the joy of sharing unforgettable holidays with a group of friends – many of whom we’ve never met before! Like you we enjoy nothing more than exploring new places on two wheels – and at a human pace. In our opinion, there is no better way of getting to know our wonderful world.
Unlike businesses which demand uniformity, we celebrate difference. Each Bikexplore holiday reflects the cycling personality of its Leader, who will lead you in their own careful way, to the special places they have found, along the kinds of roads or paths they love to travel.
We understand that when choosing a holiday, you’ll want to know how each different Leader does things. So let us take you to our Leaders!
Read more about Sheila
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Read more about John
Tel : 07522 862303 01483 278420
Email : misterward01@gmail.comRead more about Colin
Tel : 01373 812035
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Tel : 07508 028457
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